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260 Market Street Suite B
New Albany, OH, 43054
United States


Since 2007, Hayley Gallery has represented the work of over 60 emerging & established local Ohio artists. Exhibits change monthly with mediums including paintings, mixed media, sculpture, wood, glass, metal, ceramic, fiber, jewelry, Judaica & accessories.

Artist Opening Reception for Eric Layne - Square Roots


Hayley Gallery brings a new and exciting exhibit to the gallery on a monthly basis featuring a wide range of artists and mediums.  Artist opening receptions are FREE to attend (ages 12 and up please). RSVPs although not required are always encouraged. Call the gallery at 614-855-4856 to reserve your spot at any of our upcoming receptions.

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Artist Opening Reception for Eric Layne - Square Roots

  • Hayley Gallery 260 Market Street, Suite B New Albany United States (map)

Creating art has always been my primary mode of self expression. During my high school years I was interested mostly in drawing and I focused much of my time on art classes. I considered pursuing a higher education in art but ultimately went to medical school. Through med school and residency art largely fell by the wayside, but as I settled into a career as a psychiatrist and had kids who were beginning to draw and play with watercolors, I began painting along with them and eventually spent more and more of my time visiting museums and galleries, reading and learning, and developing a strategy to teach myself painting.

My foundation in drawing and composition helped greatly. I spent about eight years in this pursuit and through that process I began to find my style. I paint in oils and tend to use a fairly limited palette of five to seven colors which has challenged me to develop skill at seeing and mixing colors accurately. I am drawn to paintings that contain contrasts and so found myself choosing subjects in which I could create contrast in light, colors, and edges. Lately I have considered my work to be a form of metamodern art in which I explore the juxtaposition of traditional, serious modern art with the ironic and satirical postmodern pop culture of my youth and early adult life.

